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How to Clean Jewelry Using an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

Jewelry pieces, whether worn daily or reserved for special occasions, accumulate dirt, oils, and residues over time. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain their sparkle and prolong their lifespan. One of the most effective ways to clean jewelry is by using an ultrasonic cleaner. In this guide, we’ll explore how to use  ultrasonic cleaners to clean your jewelry safely and effectively.

What is an Ultrasonic Cleaner?

An ultrasonic cleaner uses high-frequency sound waves to create microscopic bubbles in a cleaning solution. These bubbles implode upon contact with the surface of the jewelry, dislodging dirt, oils, and other contaminants even from hard-to-reach areas. D68H ultrasonic cleaners are known for their precision and efficiency, making them a popular choice among jewelers and at-home users alike.

Why use an ultrasonic cleaner for jewelry?

1. Effective Cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaners can reach areas that are impossible to clean with brushes or cloths, ensuring a thorough cleanse.
2. Gentle on Jewelry: Despite their powerful cleaning action, ultrasonic cleaners are gentle and do not scratch or damage delicate jewelry pieces.
3. Time-Saving: With an ultrasonic cleaner, you can clean multiple pieces of jewelry quickly and efficiently, making it ideal for both personal and professional use.

A step-by-step guide to cleaning jewelry with an ultrasonic cleaner

1. Preparation:

Select the Right Cleaner: Choose the right ultrasonic cleaner for your needs. For personal use, smaller models are appropriate, while larger models are suitable for professional environments.
Prepare Solution: Fill the ultrasonic cleaner tank with water. Add a small amount of jewelry cleaning solution recommended for ultrasonic cleaners, designed to enhance the cleaning process and protect the jewelry.

2. Pre-Cleaning:

Inspect the Jewelry: Before placing jewelry in the cleaner, inspect it for loose stones or settings. Ultrasonic cleaning can sometimes loosen stones, especially in older or fragile pieces.
Rinse Off Surface Dirt: Rinse the jewelry under warm water to remove any loose dirt or debris, which helps to enhance the ultrasonic cleaning process.

3. Using the Ultrasonic Cleaner:

Place Jewelry in the Basket: Arrange the jewelry pieces in the cleaner’s basket, ensuring they do not touch each other to avoid scratching.
Set the Cleaning Time: Most jewelry pieces require about 3 to 5 minutes of cleaning. Ultrasonic cleaners often come with adjustable timers, allowing you to set the appropriate cleaning duration.
Adjust the Temperature: If your cleaner has a heating feature, set the temperature to around 40-50°C (104-122°F). Heating the solution enhances the cleaning effectiveness, especially for greasy residues.

4. The Cleaning Process:

Start the Cleaner: Turn on the ultrasonic cleaner. You’ll notice a buzzing sound as the ultrasonic waves begin to work, creating tiny bubbles that clean the jewelry.
Monitor the Process: Keep an eye on the jewelry while it’s being cleaned. For delicate or highly valuable pieces, you may want to reduce the cleaning time and check the results frequently.

5. Post-Cleaning:

Rinse and Dry: Once the cleaning cycle is complete, remove the jewelry from the basket. Rinse each piece under clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution and dirt.
Dry Carefully: Pat the jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Ensure that all moisture is removed, especially around the stone settings, to prevent tarnishing or water spots.

6. Polishing (Optional):

For an added shine, use a jewelry polishing cloth to buff the pieces gently. This step is optional but can help enhance the sparkle of your cleaned jewelry.

Safety and Maintenance Tips

Use the Right Solution: Only use cleaning solutions that are recommended for ultrasonic cleaners. Avoid household detergents or chemicals that can damage jewelry or the cleaner.
Avoid Fragile Pieces: Not all jewelry is suitable for ultrasonic cleaning. Avoid using ultrasonic cleaners for pearls, opals, coral, or other porous gemstones that could be damaged.
Regular Maintenance: Clean the ultrasonic tank regularly to remove any residues. Replace the cleaning solution as needed to maintain its effectiveness.


Ultrasonic cleaners provide a highly efficient way to keep your jewelry looking new. By following these steps, you can safely and effectively clean your jewelry, preserving its beauty and extending its lifespan. Whether you’re a professional jeweler or a jewelry enthusiast, investing in an ultrasonic cleaner is a wise choice for maintaining the luster of your treasured pieces.

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